Dementia Care

People living with dementia often need extra support to continue living their lives in the familiar surroundings of their home.

With the help of carers experienced in Dementia Care, people can lead meaningful lives as valued members of their local communities.

Several conditions come under the heading of dementia, and our care is tailored to each individual's needs.

Together with their loved ones, we'll make sure that each day is lived to the fullest.

Key Benefits

If you're wondering whether the time is right for you or a loved one to organise dementia care, then here are just some of the benefits of myCaringPOD:

People can stay in the home they love and receive care that supports them to live a meaningful life.
Our carers are fully trained and experienced in looking after people living with dementia.
Loved ones can rely on us for support and advice as people navigate the challenging journey of living with dementia.

What is Dementia Care?

Dementia Care is the type of care provided to people living with the range of conditions defined as 'dementia'.

Dementia progresses at different rates in different patients, so the level of care will likely change throughout the dementia journey.

Conditions under this umbrella term include Alzheimer's Disease, vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia and Frontotemporal dementia.

Dementia symptoms impact the mental processes, which can lead to difficulty in communicating, memory loss, confusion, and other issues.

What does Dementia Care involve?

The aim of outstanding Dementia Care is to provide people with everything they need to live a meaningful, happy life.

People living with dementia way need help in these three areas:

Personal care
There may be many tasks that people living with dementia can manage themselves, but where appropiate, our carers can support with hygiene and appearance, nutrition, feeding, medication, continence, and companionship. Personal care isn't just about intimate tasks but a rounded care approach that empowers people to live comfortably. For more information about personal care, please visit our dedicated section.

Specialist Care
There may be times in a person's dementia journey where they need specialist support from a care team working with specialist equipment. We can provide this care led by our nurses and deployed by trained and experienced care teams. To find out more, read our Specialist Care page.

Household Help
If required our carers will step in to support with light domestic tasks, shopping, preparing meals, feeding, reading out post, filling in forms and helping with many other household duties. Carers can also prompt people to take medications, maintain clean standards and help people manage their money. Our full service is explained on the Household Help page.

Getting out into the local community

There are many community groups available that provide people living with dementia the chance to socialise and spend time with others.

Our carers can support people to access these groups, some of which involve dementia therapy using music, sensory stimulation, and other interactive sessions.

Getting out to shops, restaurants, events, and social occasions is a big part of most of our lives, and we’re there to support the people we care for to continue to enjoy them as well.

Together with loved ones, we help people to live a full, and meaningful life.

Supporting Loved Ones With Dementia Care

The dementia journey can be particularly challenging for loved ones. 


The person you know may change in many different ways, and your relationship with them may change too.


Some loved ones look after people living with dementia themselves and may need extra support to ensure everything is properly taken care of.


Our care teams will come in as much or as little as you like, looking after the tasks you need support with or provide any specialist care needed.


We also offer Respite Care for those who need to take short breaks, longer holidays or regular time out. Find out more about the Respite Care we offer here.

How much does Dementia Care cost?

The cost of Dementia Care will very much depend on the individual care plan.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach as people living with dementia require different levels of support.

What we can promise you is that our team will give you a straightforward and transparent price once you’ve discussed the exact requirements of the care plan.

If you’d like to learn more about funding care, head over to our funding page now.



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